💡 There a couple of tricks to structure the approach of addressing investors in regards to your financing round. Find some best practices 🏋️ and a list of relevant funds 📄 below.
a) Set up a document 📑
Establish a shared document where you list all relevant investors including the following aspects:
- Geographical focus
- Industry focus
- Investment stages (+ ticket sizes, fund size)
- Further requirements
- Contacts (🚨 if you know someone, put them in the list)
b) Establish categories 🗃️
- Cluster these investors by their reputation and relevance for your business efforts.
- Try keeping the status of your fundraising activities up-to-date by including a column regarding the current process stage of each investor (contacted, first call, deep dive, etc).
- While building the categories, focus on finding the ideal deal partner (taste, track record, ..).
And then, find a way to get introduced 🤝.
c) Progress in an iterative manner 🔄
- Approaching investors should be done in several batches. Not all at once❗️
- “Train” your pitch with the investors that you perceive as not the most relevant (but still suitable in general). Then iterate your pitch by carefully paying attention to possible reasons for rejection.
- Once you feel that your pitch is spot-on, try approaching the AAA funds.